So this imbalance creates a unhealthy relationship between the two people, as one person takes and the other person gives

So this imbalance creates a unhealthy relationship between the two people, as one person takes and the other person gives

The first level is the giver level, this is a person who does not have any type of hidden agenda or desire to control or have power over others. This level is how people should function with one another. This level is what is right and respectful within the universe as the way you are “supposed” to operate as a human being. Within the universe humans are supposed to be beings who “share” their energy with each other, and not take one another’s energy and not give back anything in return.

As we deal with one another in a social or sexual relationship, we exchange energies completely unseen by the naked eye

The giver is a person who is connected to the “light” as they say, meaning, this person has a connection to his or her own inner power/soul and has no need to use other people for energy, because they can develop their own energy. This is how you are “supposed” to function as a human being.

-The giver has an energy field (aura) which develops its own energy and in turn gives that energy to others.

The second level is the user/abuser and taker level. The user is the human who has chosen to dominate, control, have power over, or manipulate one another as a way to compensate for his or her own lack of power, understanding and soul. The user may be completely unaware of his or her actions and functions on “automatic pilot”, not really knowing who they are and why they operate the way they do. Some users understand more then others and actually purposely steal other people’s power, energy and soul. The user tends to associate with other users and givers usually avoid these types of people. The user may be in high profile positions, such as teachers, healers, leaders, etc. The user is more common within the race of humans then the giver. This is due mostly to unhealthy choices and being spiritually dis-connected to ones own power and soul. The user tends to operate under fear, which is due to his or her own lack of power, understanding, and higher consciousness. The user functions at a level at which non-physical beings of a dark nature function at, which is a level of over powering one another, dominating one another, or attempting to control one another.

-The user has an energy field (aura) which is reversed, meaning it does not develop its own energy, but instead it gets its energy from outside of itself, from other people.

As the relationship develops the user can actually steal whole parts of power or soul from the other person who is a giver

When a user operates with another user there is very little power lost or stolen between the two people as they are both users and operating at the same level.

When a user operates with a giver, there is an imbalance of energy exchanges. What this means is the user cannot give or exchange energy because of his or her lack of power, while the giver tends to “give” energy to the other person which is the user. These parts of power or soul that are stolen from the giver are usually unknown to them because of their lack of understanding of how the soul functions on an energy level in regards to “Soul Loss”. As parts of personal power are stolen they create openings or holes in the energy field. filipino cupid mobile site Once a person begins to develop holes in his or her energy field they are “energetically vulnerable” meaning they have power missing from them which in turn has caused them to be open energetically to non-physical beings. The attachment of non-physical beings in a persons energy field is what causes a person to develop lower levels of consciousness, energy, and power. The more power a person has stolen from another person, the more power is lost from that person and the more energetically vulnerable that person becomes.

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